As parents of school-aged children living in California, "Common Core" was virtually an unknown for us up until about six months ago. That alone speaks volumes. We had been very involved with our local school and our childrens' education. We are avid readers and follow issues closely. So, why did this sneak up on us? All of us? More background here.
As even more background, ourselves, we spent K through college in public schools/state colleges. My dad was an educator in public schools for ~30 years. Our kids are in public schools. We have, thus far, supported public education.
However, the more we had learned about Common Core and the more we dug into the background, the players, the process... the more it has troubled us. So much so, that we've started this little blog and site.
We have been very disappointed with the virtual silence, even from other Stop Common Core folks, about the situation in California. Silence too from those who we'd most expect to come out against Common Core, such as CA politicians, from along the political spectrum. It is a complete disservice to voters, taxpayers, parents, teachers... most of all, our kids.
Of all the states, California least needs Common Core. More on that here.
Of all the states, California's taxpayer dollars and time being spent (likely to balloon into billions) to advocate and implement Common Core must, by far, be the greatest.
Of all the states, California may very well be the most critical in keeping Common Core afloat. If California goes, the whole thing falls apart (in our view).
Of all the states, awareness of the facts surrounding Common Core, especially among parents (but also educators, school boards, administrators) seems to be one of the lowest.
That is why, we are grateful for the support from a few (but growing) and perhaps unlikely sources.
First, coming from Mercedes Schneider. Mercedes has done excellent research, especially into the data collection and money aspects of Common Core. She was supportive of our suggestion to add California to the list of states with some "unrest" about Common Core:
Is California “Common Core Unrest State #23″?
Then, just yesterday, we were thankful and surprised to see the kind words and post from Diane Ravitch on her blog regarding our Open School Standards (OSS) proposal for a more open model for standards, tests and materials:
A Brilliant Idea for Raising and Improving Standards: Open Source Them
California desperately needs more awareness of the downsides of Common Core. Thank you both for helping to shine some light on this issue and for the kind words.
More to come and we appreciate the support!
If you care about the future of public education in California, please learn all the facts about Common Core, especially related to California. Then hold your representatives, school boards and superintendents accountable to tell the whole truth and to work in collaboration with parents and teachers for what is best for California kids, and not for what may be politically convenient.
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